The importance of creativity and relevance in a fragmented media landscape.

Recently, we celebrated our client Tinol Paints and the creative agency Phenomena for obtaining the Pikasso Silver Award for the “You Name It” campaign. This award is viewed as a sign of excellence in the advertising industry. It is also a testament to the success of the brand awareness efforts.

Campaign Objectives

The main objectives were to stand apart, build brand awareness, and make Tinol Paints the go-to source for color rather than just a seller of paint. The strategy and its implementation yielded the desired outcomes. Receiving this award showed that it was a high-quality campaign that effectively captivated the audience’s attention!

Drivers of Quality Reach

Three main drivers of Quality Reach were present: Creative, Audience and Context. Creative is the most important, as it has the power to capture attention and create an emotional response. An example of this was the “You Name It” campaign, which employed the “Stroop Effect” – using a different color than the one written (e.g., using red for the word green). This prompted the primal brain, or emotional brain, as the contrast and confusion it caused was effective. Neuroscience agrees that decisions are made by the primal brain and not by the rational brain, which explains why the campaign was so successful.

Implementing colors as a major element in the advertisement was so relevant to a nation that used to associate colors with political groups. The campaign purpose to bring back the colors to where they should belong was perfectly met.

To increase the reach, the campaign was displayed on panels across Lebanon that varied in size and format, from small static boards to large and LED screens, so it couldn’t be missed!


Being acknowledged for creativity can help a brand succeed in a media landscape where attention and reach are fragmented. Simply having a large reach is no longer a reliable metric to measure success It is essential for marketers to replace Reach with Attentive Reach, which when combined with relevance and persistence, can result in the Right reach that yields a positive return on investment. Attentive reach and relevance are both key elements that can influence brand recognition.

At AMPM, we are delighted to help brands accomplish the Right Reach. Contact us to help you upgrade your brand awareness and reach your goals.