This Privacy Policy contains the Company’s policies and procedures governing the collection and processing of your personal data through the Website.


By using, you are consenting to the processing of your personal data as set forth in this Privacy Policy. The term “personal data” refers to any information relating to a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by using such information, and the term “processing” refers to the collection, storing, deleting, using, and disclosing of the personal data.

In exceptional cases, where required by the applicable law, we will seek your explicit consent to disclose your personal data. For example, we may seek your explicit prior consent if we aim to use your personal data for the intents that are not indicated in this Privacy Policy, collect any sensitive data from you, or significantly amend this Privacy Policy.


We gather and use only the minimal amount of personal data that is required for the execution of the operations requested by you.

If you fill out the contact form available on the website, we may collect the following personal data from you:

  • Your full name;
  • Your email address;
  • Your phone number;
  • And any other information that you decide to provide us with.

When you visit the website, we may collect your IP address.

Unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, does not collect any sensitive information regarding your health, religious or political beliefs, racial origins, professional or trade association or information about your sexual orientation.


We follow international laws for Data Protection & Privacy. Hence we only use your personal data to reply to your enquiries and improve business.

The personal data provided by you through the contact form available on the website will be used to provide you with the information requested by you.

The IP address will  be used only for website analytics purposes.


We may collect non-personal website analytics data such as browser types, operating systems and the URL addresses of websites clicked to and from the website in order to analyze what kind of users visit, how they find it, how long they stay in it, also from which other platform they come to the website, what segments they are interested in and where they go from the website.

We will treat all aggregated data as personal data in case your non-personal data is combined with certain elements of your personal data in a way that allows us to identify you.


We take, but are not limited to, the following measures in regard to your information: deployment on secured networks, encryption and limited access to personal data by our staff, to protect your personal data. We set understandable measures to keep and maintain the security around the data and to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, and modification of your personal data. Please note that the fundamental risks associated with the use of the Internet, make it in a way that we cannot be liable for any destruction, loss, leakage and falsification of personal data caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

In case a personal data breach occurs, we will inform you and the relevant data protection authority without undue delay and immediately take reasonable measures to alleviate the breach.

Please note that you are solely responsible for browsing on the website and communicating with us by using a secure internet connection.


We do not sell your personal data to third parties, and do not intend to do so in the future.

In some cases, when required by the applicable law, we will respond to requests from public authorities to disclose information about the users of the website to the extent necessary for pursuing public interest objectives, such as national security or law enforcement.

In case the Company is being sold partly or fully, the company may also provide your personal data to a purchaser.

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), please note that some of the third party service providers with whom we cooperate may be located outside the EEA. Thus, we may need to transfer your personal data outside the EEA. If such a transfer occurs, we will ensure that the third party that receives your personal data can guarantee and adequate level of protection of your personal data that is consistent with this privacy policy.


Your personal data will be kept for as long as long as is necessary to provide you with the requested service or as long as it is necessary for our legitimate business interests (e.g., accounting purposes) for a time period specified by the applicable law. When your personal data is no longer necessary, we will immediately delete it from our systems.


The website may contain third party links to other websites. We are not responsible in any manner for the privacy practices of those websites and this Privacy Policy does not apply to them.


The website uses cookies. A cookie is a small computer file which consists of letters and numbers. When you visit a website, the website may send a cookies to your browser. Subsequently, your browser may store the cookies on your computer system. The main purpose of cookies is to allow a website to recognize your device.

There are two types of cookies, namely, (1) persistent cookies, which remain valid until their expiration date, unless deleted by the user before that date, and (2) session cookies, which are stored on a web browser and remain valid until the moment when the browser is closed.

Cookies do not typically contain personal data. However, personal data stored by us may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. Web servers can use cookies to: (1) identify and track users while they navigate through different pages on a website; and (2) identify users returning to a website.

If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you need to either discontinue your use of the website or set your browser to refuse cookies. Please be aware that some parts of the website may not function properly without cookies.

We use Google Analytics to analyze your use of the website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about the website by means of cookies. The information generated by Google Analytics in relation the website is used to create reports about the use of the website. We may use the following Google Analytics advertising features: (1) Remarketing with Google Analytics; (2) Google Display Network Impression Reporting; (3) Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting; and (4) Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data via advertising cookies and identifiers.

If you would like to opt out from Google Analytics advertising features, you can do so through Ads Settings, Ads Settings for mobile apps, or any other available means (for example, the NAI’s consumer opt-out). You can also install a Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on available at


We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting an amended version on the website and indicating an effective date at the top of the Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the website after posting such an amended version will constitute your acknowledgement of the amendments and your consent to abide and be bound by the amended Privacy Policy. Please regularly review this Privacy Policy in order to be aware of any new amendments.

This Privacy Policy enters into force on the effective date indicated at the top of the Privacy Policy and remains valid until terminated or amended by us.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact the Company by email: [email protected]





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