Why you should NOT use neuroMarketing in your ads blog

You have, for sure, heard about neuroMarketing, the super science to grow your business with two digits. But this isn’t a tool anyone should use.

Why not? Because you may not be able to deal with the results! Your business will become the focus point, you will get so busy to provide your clients with what they need that you may not have what it takes.

Why is that? Because when you properly implement NeuroMarketing you reach the buyer in your client’s brain. They will love you for that! They will love the fact that you are really paying attention to the decision driving factor in their brain and that will trigger the decision to work/buy with/from you.

Not only once, not only twice but on a recurring basis.

You should not start using NeuroMarketing if you think your products/services and even your brand is what matters. If you think so, keep the old fashioned way to build ads. But if the buyer, the human making the decision to purchase from you is what you focus on then NeuroMarketing will give you the tools to create ads that will trigger the decision maker in the brain.

You shouldn’t use neuroMarketing if you are in love with busy, rational ads. Now, if you prefer ads that can reach in a fraction of a second the decision maker in the brain and create an emotional variation, not just one emotion, then you should learn how NeuroMarketing works, because that’s the secret to efficient ads and, even better, ads that will cost less and generate more!

You should use NeuroMarketing and even better you should use Ethical Persuasion which drives even more success, helping you dive deeper inside the decision maker and reaching out with more humanity.


Dr. Thomas Trautmann

The Ethical Persuader System founder